Friends, Bashees, countrymen lend me your ears! After ten years teaching at Burwell Bash, Andy Cutting has made the difficult decision to hang up his teaching lanyard at the end of Burwell Bash 2024. It will be his final Bash with us for the time being. With the success of Topette, Leveret, Blowzabella, various duos and ensembles all over the world and his sizable solo work bookings, Andy's summer calendar is choca-block and very sadly he cannot continue to commit time to us every summer. We completely understand this and simply appreciate the fact we've been able to work in together for the last decade, gaining the benefits of his time, expertise, humour and brilliance. Seldom does an opportunity to work with such an accomplished player present itself. We will be parting ways (for now) with no hard feelings and an open door to return to us in the future. We love Andy as part of the Burwell Bash family and this will not change when he leaves us. We announce this now so that anyone who wishes to join us under Andy will be able to have the opportunity to apply to do so before he leaves us. This will also make 2025 a very exciting year as we will be bringing in a new melodeon tutor to Burwell Bash with more young blood coming into the course. We will announce the new incoming tutor as soon as Burwell Bash 2024 is over. (Yes we know who it is, no we're not going to tell you yet). Our booking dates for next year will be at the start of February half term, with booking opening just before midnight on Friday 9th February.
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The timetable for the course is below, covering all workshops, evening activities and sessions. Breaks are timetabled to allow all participants and tutors the opportunity to take regular, planned meal breaks. Times are displayed at GMT.
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